Socially & Collaborative Socially Responsive Design project

Socially & Collaborative Socially Responsive Design project

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Subject: Communication Strategies

Pages: 11 pages Double spaced

APA style

Research Journal
Research Journal has three parts:
a) First part of the research journal.
Students write reports on the readings, including documentaries set for homework. Reports are minimum one A4 page long (500 words). Half of the report needs to be a synopsis of the reading/visual text- what is the text about?
Second half is the students’ critical analysis of the text. Connect the text with real life examples, other theories, and your own thinking, other practice. What is good, what is the text maybe lacking. How can the text be applied in practice, what is the new knowledge you gained from the text?
b) Research map
c) Workbook, which documents all your research and design process

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