Sociology Magazine

Sociology Magazine

The Magazine will be a Topic of Interest selected by you based on the relationship between the individual and society. (The three perspectives: Functionalist, Conflict, Interactionist)

The topics in the magazine will be based on idea of sociology and applying the idea to your Major.

Magazine Format:

The Magazine will be 12 pages Not including the BibliographyThe Magazine will have a Magazine Cover page

The Magazine will have a Table of ContentsThe Magazine will have One Article (2 pages) created by you (the student)

The Magazine will include AdvertisementThe Magazine will have at least 4 other articles of interest based on your topic (make sure to cite the work); “did you”, questions to the reader about the topicThe Magazine will have “Word Finder”, World Puzzle”/ “Cross Word” or some game pertaining to the Magazine TopicAll Work Will be CITED that you did not createBibliography will be in APA Format