Solve a problem;For this homework, you should come up with a pitch for a new robot that people would want to buy. The robot should solve some problem in the real world, hopefully one that people care about, and one that they would be willing to pay money

For this homework, you should come up with a pitch for a new robot that people would want to buy. The robot should solve some problem in the real world, hopefully one that people care about, and one that they would be willing to pay money to have solved. The problem can’t be one that we can currently buy a robot for (like vacuum cleaning or mowing the lawn), but it should be realistic to expect that we could see a robot solving this problem in the next 10 years or so.

You should write up a short paper (a couple of pages) that does this following:
Clearly describes the problem that you’re trying to solve.
Compellingly motivates why we should be using a robot to solve this problem. There needs to be a compelling reason for people to buy it, over and above the novelty factor. Does it solve a problem that is currently unsolved? Does it do something of high value to people.
Identifies the market that this robot will be sold to (students, people over 50, firefighters, etc). This should be as targeted as you can make it. Who will most benefit from the robot? Who will want to buy it? Why will this segment of the market be interested in buying your robot?
Shows an initial design for the robot, in terms of hardware, sensors, and major software elements. You don’t have to go into great detail, but a sketch of the system would be useful, and a discussion of what software systems (path-planning, face detection, etc) would be needed to make it work. A diagram of what the ROS implementation would look like might be good.
Lists the problems that need to be solved before such a system becomes possible, and gives a short discussion of whether or not these are hard problems or easy ones. Why does your proposed robot not exist yet? Are there parts of the system that rely on technology that hasn’t been invented yet? Does it rely on using robots where they have never been used before?
Lists the risks in developing and using this system. what could go wrong in the development process that would mean that you could never get to the final system? What could go wrong as you create the system? What could go wrong once it’s out in the world? How might you mitigate these risks?
Discusses the possible effects on society of having this system in widespread use. Will it displace human workers? Will it create a new segment of the economy? Once the robot is out there, how will it interact with elements of human society that are already there? For instance, self-driving cars might make long-distance tuckers obsolete.
Give a compelling discussion of against developing your new system. What arguments might people use against it? Try to come up with valid, compelling reasons why you should not make your robot. Give brief counter-arguments to each of these reasons.

Group has more than one academic discipline in it: 1 point.
Clear problem description: 1 point.
Compelling reason to use a robot: 1 point.
Clear market interested in robot, with a motivation: 1 point
Valid list of problems, with discussion: 2 points.
Initial design, ideally with diagrams: 3 points.
Valid list of problems: 2 points.
Valid list of risks: 2 points.
Discussion of effects of deploying robot: 2 points.
Reasons to not develop the robot: 2 points.

You should use LaTeX for your final paper.

I solve number 1,and 2 in my hand writting, but I wants to improve it. I am upload all the fills, the word it has some description about the Ideasand there is 2 link it will be helpful to read it.

the solution should be this in MACHINE LEARNING

● For Google search: Machine learning Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs)