Strategies To Changing Attitude And Behaviors Of Nudies Yogurt’s Potential Market

Strategies To Changing Attitude And Behaviors Of Nudies Yogurt’s Potential Market.



Executive Summary

The purchase of a product is based on the attitude of the consumer. Therefore, in the development of a product, strategies t change attitude of consumption is appropriate. Nudies yogurt is a non-dairy product developed in Australia and uses coconut milk in the production process. The company identifies a new market of non-consumers of milk products in Melbourne and uses strategies psychographic, benefit, geographic, and behavioral segmentation to determine the needs of the consumers. It applies the motivational theory function to convince the consumers on purchasing and consuming the product. The report suggests the use of affective strategy in the hierarchy of effect model to change the attitude of consumers.

Table of Contents

TOC o “1-3” h z u 1.Introduction PAGEREF _Toc41801405 h 22.Identification and profile of a new target market for Nudies PAGEREF _Toc41801406 h 23.Profile of one potential Market Segments PAGEREF _Toc41801407 h 33.1.Psychographic Segmentation PAGEREF _Toc41801408 h 33.2.Behavioral Segmentation PAGEREF _Toc41801409 h 43.3.Geographical segmentation PAGEREF _Toc41801410 h 43.4.Benefit Segmentation PAGEREF _Toc41801411 h 44.Identification and description of a strategy to influence the attitudes of the identified market segment PAGEREF _Toc41801412 h 55.Recommendation around the use of the ‘four hierarchies of effect’ model PAGEREF _Toc41801413 h 6

Strategies To Changing Attitude And Behaviors Of Nudies Yogurt’s Potential Market.

IntroductionConsumer attitude is the predisposition that consumers have about a particular product based on their beliefs, feelings, and behavioral intentions. The position influences the purchasing power of a consumer as it impacts their liking to a product. The introduction of a product in the market requires a marketing strategy to convince the potential consumers t purchase and consume it. Therefore, a change in the attitude of consumers is essential to successful marketing and sales. Nudie is a deliciously creamy dairy-free product made from coconut milk and developed in 1995. Nudie has been processed and made without milk content hence appropriate and sufficient for consumers avoiding milk products. Many individuals at this time are moving away from a lot of protein products, which make Nudie an active yogurt for such a population to keep enjoying yogurt. With the coconut content in it, consumers are bound to get health benefits as it is essential for bone health and metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins (Boemeke et al., 2015). It is also rich in copper and iron, which benefit the red blood cells. The report will consider a new target market for Nudie and using market segmentation, identify and describe the strategies that can help in changing the attitudes of consumers.

Identification and profile of a new target market for NudiesMarket segmentation is a process of identifying segments in the market and dividing the customer base into sub-groups, for both existing and potential consumers (Camilleri, 2017). In the division of the sections, common needs and interests are considered for similar demographic structures. Nudie product covers a large demographic market due to its nutritious value. According to research conducted on the intake of proteins, it generates a large amount of acids in body fluid, which affects the body causing bone disorders (Delimaris, 2013). Many individuals are now shifting from consumption of milk products to alternative products with less content of protein or none at all. Nudie yogurt, being a coconut product, has avoided dairy products hence appropriate for consumers trying to avoid high protein content. The market segment will include individuals avoiding high protein content in the product due to health reasons or allergies from the consumption of milk. Coconut yogurt contains only one gram of protein, as compared to dairy yogurt with 10 grams protein.

The accurate identification of the segment helps marketers identify the preferences to provide product needs in the market. Nudie’s target segment is appropriate because the population does not consume milk products; hence consumption of yogurt is rare. The part is most likely to be the potential market for Nudie products due to its features that favors the needs and preference of the target market. Therefore, the coconut health benefits from coconut milk would be used to change the attitude of the potential consumers, towards yogurt products.

Profile of one potential Market SegmentsIn defining the profile of the target market segment, four variables will be considered. These include psychographic, benefit, behavioral, and geographic segmentation. The segmented market label will be the Non-Protein Special Group to describe the shared characteristic.

Psychographic SegmentationThe psychographic variable involves psychological tools such as the value and personality of the consumers in the target segment (Liu et al., 2019). The nature of consumers changes depending on their perceptions. It involves the attitude, values, opinions, and interests of the individuals in the segmentation. For the Nudies product, the segment perception consists of a dislike for milk products and a belief that proteins are harmful to their bodies. They are interested in non-dairy products hence making nudies a potential likable product in the segment.

Behavioral SegmentationBehavioral segmentation is based on the knowledge that attitude and responses to a product are the best starting point for building the market segments. The behavior of the target segment influences the consumption of Nudie products. The segment readiness to purchase, frequency of purchase and the benefits of the product to them determines the expected behavior they will have. Based on the product characteristics, the segment purchasing is frequent and are ready to consume the product due to the health benefit received.

Geographical segmentationProduct development is based in Australia; hence the target market segmentation will involve the Australian community. The segmentation includes the size of the area, population density, and region. The products target Melbourne, with a population of 6 million individuals. However, the consumers focused are 2 million consisting of those not interested in wit milk products. Melbourne enjoys a warm summer, which makes it appropriate for cold yogurt coconut drink.

Benefit SegmentationThe benefit sought is the division of the market based on the advantages that the consumer perceives to receive. Segmentation is done based on quality performance, customer service, or special features. Nudies yogurt provides health benefits of coconut milk, with low protein content and high nutritional value. It is produced locally; hence quality is ascertained. It is also available in all food stores and malls in Melbourne, making it readily available for consumer consumption.

Identification and description of a strategy to influence the attitudes of the identified market segmentAttitude related strategies aim at changing the views of individuals towards a product. The goal is to develop loyal, lifetime consumers, to enhance the profits of the company (Simpson & Licata, 2007). The strategy will involve consumer essential motivational function, which is based on four functions, utilitarian, ego-defensive, value expressive, and knowledge function (Alispahić, 2013). The utilitarian function is based on utility, where an individual who has consumed the product and has a positive perception about it, does the marketing. The second function, ego-defensive, involves having advertisements that offer reassurance to consumers’ self-concept. It is aimed at preserving the ego of consumers. The value expressive includes the best characteristics of the product in its advertising, based on the segment lifestyle and preferences (Morgenroth et al., 2015). Then lastly, the knowledge function provides every bit of information about the product, from the acquisition of raw material to processing of the product.

The company can apply the utilitarian approach, combined with value expressive, to change the attitudes of the consumers. People who have consumed the product easily convince new customers to try it out. Also, knowledge of the value to be received from the product attracts consumers to purchase more. The strategy will be appropriate after a small consumption group has been created in the region hence having a basis for the utilitarian function. The model is as shown below:

43338755048252066925504825206692550482531146752381257429501333500Word of Mouth

Social media

0Word of Mouth

Social media



35337752018665Nutritional Value

Low protein

No dairy Product

Affordable Price

0Nutritional Value

Low protein

No dairy Product

Affordable Price

4276725114300023622002457450Consumer 3

00Consumer 3

11239502457450Consumer 2

00Consumer 2

1238252457450Consumer 1

00Consumer 1

28289252105025158115021050255715002105025571499210502519621501142999981075781050Utilitarian Function

0Utilitarian Function

3286125781050Value Expressive Function

00Value Expressive Function

2219325-171450Motivational Function

0Motivational Function

The consumer of the product talks to several people about their experience upon consumption and convinces them to purchase, and also consume. On the other hand, advertisements are used by the company to inform people about the benefits of the product to people, including t nutritional value the product provides.

Recommendation around the use of the ‘four hierarchies of effect’ modelThe four hierarchies of effect mode demonstrate how consumer transitions from being unaware of the product, getting knowledge and forming attitude, creating interests, and transforming to become a consumer. The model follows six steps, including awareness, knowledge, liking, preferences, conviction, and lastly, purchase of product (Sukma Wijaya, 2012). The classical model follows four steps, which include attention, interest, desire, and action. This model is appropriate for the company, as it aims to create awareness of the product using the value derived from it. From the advertisements and value communicated, the consumers’ attention Is obtained hence making it easier to convince them. The characteristics and features of products are described, basing on the benefits theory would receive. This makes consumers have an interest in the product. The potential consumers then develop the desire to consume, which turns them into consumers of the product after the action of making a purchase. The practical effect of the product on consumers, which consist of the liking and preferences can be applied to convince the segment to keep purchasing the product.


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