Structuralism;This final project will be a 12-15 page paper that analyzes an important theory from anthropology and connects it to other related and oppositional theories and outlines how anthropologists have deployed said theory in their fieldwork thro

1.the file attached is my first draft and the professors comments feel free tovstart off with what I wrote with his suggestions 2. Hopefully from this small draft you get a feel of my writing style. 3. Below are the instructions given on the syllabus for this paper: This final project will be a 12-15 page paper that analyzes an important theory from anthropology and connects it to other related and oppositional theories and outlines how anthropologists have deployed said theory in their fieldwork through examples of research and ethnographic work(s). Part ONE (5-6 pages) will be a genealogy of the selected theory. The student will describe the major ideas and tenets of the theory and identify the scholar(s) associated with this theory and its philosophical precedents. You may also choose to add your own analysis of the theory, including why you chose this theory and why you think it is a valid (or invalid) theory. Part One should be treated as a first draft of your final paper; PART TWO will be a completed (final) draft of your project. In addition to correcting and expanding on Part One, the student should identify other theoretical veins that both complement and contradict/oppose the selected theory (from Part One). In other words, use the readings from class topics to analyze your selected theory in greater depth and to understand prominent counterarguments and critiques of said theory. In addition, find examples of ethnographic research by anthropologists or other scholars that draws upon your selected theory as a framework for their research; include in your project a brief description of these field examples, their relevancy, and why you find them compelling (or not). Why is the selected theory still relevant for anthropologists today? How does it guide what and how anthropologists are studying in the field? 4.THANK YOU!