Technological Advancements Evaluating Results and Benefits

Technological Advancements: Evaluating Results and Benefits

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Technological Advancements: Evaluating Results and Benefits


The advent and development of technology over the past years have resulted in work transition for almost all business organizations. Technological advancement has led to a steady increase in the utilization of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in work activities such as performance measurement and evaluations (Ghodke & Bhate, 2020). Technology plays an amicable role in evaluation by establishing the early warning system through the detection, direct technological changes, and control for the maximization of the public good and minimization of the public risks. As such, businesses rely on technology to assess and track the performance of each organization. Also, enhancement of the public goods entails the creation of the digital records between the workers, managers, and business owners, leading to the growth and development. Notably, the monitoring and evaluation process through technology comprises machine learning that characterizes the technological changes in the profit and non-profit organizations (Muslimin et al., 2017). The machine learning process enables the organization to evaluate the dashboards, visualizations, analytics, and mapping that enhances the stored data’s ability to make sense of the collected information. Therefore, the paper gets aims to analyze the emerging technologies used in the evaluation process, contrasting the methods used by the profit and non-profit organizations in using technology, and analyzing the importance of evaluation within the workplace. Furthermore, the paper presents a plan for using the emerging technology-based organization choice and its generation of long-term effects.

Emerging Technologies for Evaluation Process

Artificial Intelligence Machines

Artificial intelligence machines are tools simulating human intelligence through a computerized system. The system evaluates the information within the organization through reasoning, learning, and self-corrections (Téot et al., 2020). The capabilities of AI machines are helpful in digital evaluation despite reducing job opportunities. Sometimes the use of artificial intelligence technologies creates valuable intelligence from the database through tracking data like sensors, transactions, equipment productions, and deduction of solutions for robust productivity.

Blockchain Technology

Another emerging technology that can be utilized in the evaluation process in non-profit organizations is blockchain technology. This technology originated from Cryptocurrency Bitcoins. Blockchain technology is used in evaluation because it can store and share safe, transparent, unalterable, and controllable information via Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) (Sifah et al., 2020). Blockchain technology in evaluation is used to design an employee evaluation system using three-chain models, including ID-Chain, Credit Chain, and Behavior Chain, to make one unified chain.


Automation enhances the evaluation by controlling the process, system, and devices with limited human involvement. As such, exclusive human tasks, e.g., writing, printing, and speech, get mimicked through evaluated technology (Téot et al., 2020). Through pairing with 3D printing, technology creates specialty parts for machine learning.


Robots evaluate the information by automating complex tasks controlled by the software. They get mainly used to reduce overheads (Zhou et al., 2020). Robots mimic the targeted information hence helpful in evaluation.

3-D printing

3-D printing enhances evaluation using three-dimensional solid objects from the digital data constructed on a 3-d model. Perfecting the 3-d usage involves the application of a user-friendly interface to provide the organization with a leading competitive advantage (Zhou et al., 2020). As such, the retail businesses and the investigation departments have applied 3-D printing to substantiate the evaluated information.

Differences Existing in the Methods used by the profit and Non-profit organizations for Technological Evaluation.

The non-profit organizations evaluate their performance using technology that reflects the assets in their hands that can further get used for the organization’s mission that tracks excess revenues over the expenditure. In contrast, profit organizations use the accounting system technological evaluation strategies to track net income. Also, the non-profit organization gets guided by its technological missions and purpose, while the profit organization gets guided by the vision that tries to achieve the best technological version for the continuous betterment of the company. Technological-based evaluation for the profit organization provides services and products to customers to make a profit. In contrast, the evaluation initiative used by the non-profit organization gets premised on service provision to the society and community without the intention of earning profit (Gratton, 2018). Majorly, the non-profit organization evaluates the busies incentives to equip the society with the new skills and enhance transparency, whereas the profit organization creates a paradigm of transparency for robust technological products that are evaluated in profit-making models. Consequently, evaluation in a non-profit organization enhances sustainability in the technological environment while the evaluation in a profit organization targets the business expansion for the competitive advantage.

Importance of Evaluation within the Workplace

Evaluation enables the managers to remind the employees of the organization’s expectations by providing regular information for the business continuity. Also, employers get credible information for making employment decisions like pay raises, layoffs, and promotions. The performance appraisal in the workplace is an evaluation strategy that measures the performance of the employees hence ease of identifying the strength and weaknesses. As such, the employees overcome their weaknesses through appraisal mandate, creating personal growth by enhancing their strengths. For-profit organization’s workplace, the evaluation enables the company to provide the qualitative and quantitative measurement that plays a significant role in production-oriented frameworks. Moreover, the performance evaluation gives the employees and employees a stepping stone for identifying and discussing areas that need changes and provides feedback and a set of expectations.

Plan for using the emerging technology based on organization choice and its generation of long-term effects.

Identification of the Desired Results

The organization must apply the Understanding by Design Model that is aimed at creating an atmosphere for the use of emerging technology. It identifies what workers should know, understand and be able to generate (Albukhitan, 2020). Also, identifying the desired result requires the outcome evaluation of the key understandings and the essential questions related to the aims.

Determination of the Assessment Evidence

The assessment evidence betters the organization’s alignment with the technological field nomenclature. It enables the workforce to consider the tools that can easily capture evaluation evidence in machine learning (Albukhitan, 2020). Therefore the assessment creates a paradigm through which all the information can be used in the encoded evaluation.

Designing of planning Activities

It involves the planning of the learning experiences and instructions which address meaning-making, knowledge acquisition, and learning transfer through technology. As such, the technological advisers should consider the activities that help achieve the desired and evaluated learning outcomes (Albukhitan, 2020). Further, the activities for self-assessment through technical evaluation explore the organization’s objectives.


The evaluation process using technology creates an atmosphere where the targeted aims, vision, and objectives get reached by the organization. As such, automation machines, artificial intelligence machines, robots, and 3-D printing are helpful for the evaluations within the organization. The profit and non-profit organizations use technological evaluation to reach different goals. As a result, evaluation plays a significant role in enhancing quality and quantity production in the workplace through creating mutual interaction between the managers, employees, and the employers. Most importantly, evaluation using the technological frameworks requires strategic plans for quantity and production quality.


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