INSTRUCTIONS: Fill out all portions of the lesson plan. Within the Instructional Steps, note the following items as indicated below to facilitate identification of the required elements. Answer the reflection questions that follow the plan

Create at least 6 formative questions and highlight them in green.

NAME: Antonius JamesSUBJECT:Personal safety

TEXAS ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS (Copy these word for word. This must include the grade level, number, and letter of competency)

(Grade 8) (6) Health behaviors. The student engages in behaviors that reduce health risks throughout the life span. The student is expected to:

 (J) apply strategies for avoiding violence, gangs, weapons, and drugs.

LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): The student will apply strategies for avoiding violence, gangs, weapons, and drugs by identifying 4 of 8 dangerous scenarios in the community, and also identify safe ways to avoid dangerous scenarios in the community.


I will walk around and ask questions off what each group modeling a dangerous situation with safe tactics to avoid, if they on the wrong path, I will guide them by explaining better solutions. Towards the end of class will be a short quiz. Students will be given 8 community scenarios, student must be able to correctly identify 4 of the 8 dangerous scenarios. Students also must be able to identify what safe tactics should be used to avoid the situation. Their performance will be scored with a rubric where the criteria will be correctly identifying the dangerous situation and safe tactics used to avoid.


What materials do you need for this lesson? What is the setting? Are students in pairs, groups, stations, floor, library, science lab?

Setting: Classroom, groups of 4, partner

Materials: pencil, notes

I will show a slideshow PowerPoint and also give out paper scenarios of different activities being done that could put you in possible dangerous situation


What vocabulary terms must students know to understand the concept being taught?

Vocab: Violence







What activity will students engage in that will pique their interest about the upcoming lesson? Think of this like a preview for an upcoming movie – something that ignites curiosity I’ll begin the class by discussing the various threats we face in our community, as well as possible scenarios, in order to stimulate conversation.

As we continue to practice, throughout the lesson I will ask individuals or groups to correctly answer how to spot a dangerous situation. We’ll have a competition to get bonus points.


This is what you say to students about what they have already learned and how it prepares them for what they are about to learn; review what they have learned to prepare them for the upcoming lesson. This will help you have a better grasp of self-help skills so that you can improve your own safety outside of the house and school. Knowing when to use your newly learned knowledge of community threats. Referring to what we’ve already learned about drug and weapon overuse and misuse around the world

OBJECTIVE STATEMENT (be sure to include the performance measure)

This is what you say to students about what students will learn today, and how they will show they have learned the content (that is the performance measure) Students today we will be learning how to apply strategies for avoiding violence, gangs, weapons, and drugs by identifying 4 of 8 dangerous scenarios in the community, and also identify safe ways to avoid dangerous scenarios in the community. After we go over a few situations together, you will perform a similar exercise on your own and be graded on your ability to properly identify harmful circumstances and solutions to prevent them using a rubric


Why do students need to learn this today? This should be written in what you will say to students and should include both why it is important to the content and why it is relevant in their lives. This is something we’re studying to improve personal safety for you and others in the community and outside of school. This will also help with crime and death rate in the world because overall knowledge to these avoid dangerous situations will increase



Step by Step Instructions

Key Points

Directions to give

Questions that you will ask – at least 6, highlighted in green. I’ll begin the class by discussing the various threats we face in our community, as well as possible scenarios, in order to stimulate conversation

Students today we will be learning how to apply strategies for avoiding violence, gangs, weapons, and drugs by identifying 4 of 8 dangerous scenarios in the community, and also identify safe ways to avoid dangerous scenarios in the community. After we go over a few situations together, you will perform a similar exercise on your own and be graded on your ability to properly identify harmful circumstances and solutions to prevent them using a rubric

will then go through the “I do, you do, we do” method of modeling. With different scenarios on a powerpoint slide, I will explain how to correctly identify a dangerous situation, and explain how to safely avoid these dangerous situations to increase personal safety. As I am showing how to handle the situation, I will be checking with class assess their understanding.

in the “we do” portion, The students will practice what the teacher had modeled in dealing with various community scenarios. I will monitor for the correct response. Paired students will get to perform different scenarios and the correct responses to keep themselves safe in the community. When I check each group, I will make sure that each member is correctly responding and understanding, by asking specific questions that require open-ended answers.

We will then move into the formative assessment. This will be a short quiz at the end of class to check understanding. PowerPoint slides with 3 different community scenario asking for their prior knowledge learned from different community’s with and without present danger…Followed by a worksheet with multiple choice answers on what is harmful to a student’s personal safety when out in the community. A rubric will be used to grade their performance, and one of the criteria will be a proper solution.


when we are modeling the scenarios, we will go over how to identify the dangerous situation, highlight important information used to avoid and safely get out the situation


Students won’t use technology throughout this lesson, Students will only use technology to take their quizzes at end of class. Choosing technology for their quiz because it allows quicker response and feedback. Also using technology, allows me to give them 2-3 attempts to maximize their learning.


Include differentiation in content or process for the following groups of students


Regular Education students who are struggling and possibly some Special Education students

Gifted and Talented students


If your assessment is already differentiated, please explain how. If it is not, please explain how you will differentiate it for the learning needs in your class.


Create at least 2 modifications AND 2 accommodations that address the diverse needs of the students Angelo, Nancy, and Corinne.


Review: How will you cement the learning that has taken place in this lesson?

Connect to future learning: How will what students learned today help them in upcoming lessons?


Explain the prerequisite skills students need to be successful in this lesson.

Explain how your answer to the above question influenced your decisions regarding the differentiation strategies used.

Explain how your instructional strategies, accommodations, modifications, and assessments(s) address the needs of English Learners, including Nancy.