The brewing history research paper

The brewing history research paper

The paper is a typical upper-year humanities research paper. It should strive to formulate and answer a question pertaining to the themes discussed in class, using relevant primary and secondary sources. In addition to basic grammatical competence, the paper will be evaluated on the clarity of the question and the strength of the argument. The paper should be between 8 and 10 double-spaced pages, though papers which are slightly longer will be acceptable. In this research paper I want to focus on the way that the position of woman changed within the brewing industry. It would be to select a particular time and place , and then examine. There are a wide variety of different times and places you would look at . I can recommend at least two places that you could look at,and some related resources( but you can also choose another place and time entirely, if you’d like.): 1.Medieval/Early Modern England: Here you could look at Judith Bennett’s book “Ale, Beer, and Brewsters in England: Women’s Work in a Changing World, 1300-1600”. 2.19th to 21st century Africa: Here you’d have to select a particular part of Africa, but there are some solid essays available. You could look at the collection of essays called “Beer in Africa” edited by Steven Van Wolputte and Mattia Fumanti, or “Alcohol in Africa” edited by Deborah Fahy Bryceson. Both have essays which specifically address the role of women in African brewing.