The Influence of Electronic Sports Games for Young Generation

According to exercise 3 to write paper 3. And in the exercise 3, while I did discuss my general audience, I did not talk about who my view as my academic audience. Having an academic audience in mind is important when writing Paper 3. Paper III: Argumentative Research Paper Purpose and Description The aim of composing an argumentative research paper is not only to summarize existing perspectives or simply to inform readers about a topic. You have been developing these skills throughout the course, and you should use them to support your writing process, but they are not ends in themselves; rather, they are a means to achieve more complex rhetorical objectives. Your aim for this assignment, specifically, will be to construct a research-based argument that contributes something new to an ongoing scholarly conversation. The instructions described below are designed to guide you through this process. Invention and Inquiry Identify the core problem that motivates your research Revisit your research question and refine/refocus it where necessary Gather together the resources you have developed throughout the semester Note the different perspectives represented in the conversation you have defined Consider where you stand with respect to core problem and competing perspectives Draft a thesis statement in which you position yourself within the conversation (based on the research you have completed, the evidence you have gathered, and what contribution you hope to make to the scholarly conversation). The Composing Process Introduce your topic and define the scope of your paper Provide background on your topic and why it should interest to your audience Use the sources you have gathered to position yourself in a scholarly conversation Add your own research findings based on the evidence you have gathered and analyzed Draw a conclusion about the topic that adds something new to the conversation Conclude your paper by reaffirming the importance of the issue and pointing toward additional research and/or analysis that can be done to better understand and potentially act on it. Specific Requirements Your paper should: Articulate and develop a clear and compelling thesis Position your argument within a scholarly conversation Fully integrate a minimum of 8 sources into your argument Be written in a clear, precise, and active prose style Include a title that reflects the spirit and scope of your paper Be 10-12 pages in length (double-spaced, one-inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman or Garamond typeface) Cite sources correctly using appropriate citation style (MLA or Chicago) Be uploaded to Canvas as a Word document by the deadline. The work of joining a scholarly conversation is neither simple nor easy. As you have learned throughout the semester, it requires that we learn about existing scholarship and find ways that we can contribute to it through our own, independent research. It is difficult work, but if done well, you can use your writing to join conversations and help to address important problems both in the academy and in the context of work and community life. Please write or stop by my office (or both) if you have questions about this assignment or anything else related to the course.