To what extent and why did US foreign policy from 1945 onward hasten the end of the Cold War, and to what extent and why did it prolong the Cold War?

To what extent and why did US foreign policy from 1945 onward hasten the end of the Cold War, and to what extent and why did it prolong the Cold War?

Write an essay answering this question, citing extensively from documents and essays in the Merrill, Dennis and Thomas G. Paterson. Major Problems in American Foreign Relations. Vol. 2, since 1914. 7th ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage, 2010 textbook. You may use supporting evidence from the LaFeber, Walter. The American Age. Vol. 2: since 1896. 2nd ed. New York: W. W. Norton, 1994. textbook, but your MAIN source should be Major Problems. Please DO NOT use any other sources. Write in past tense, avoid global opening and passive voice. Major Problems includes both primary sources (documents written at the time) and secondary sources (analysis written later). Distinguish between them as you compose your essays. Write the page numbers in the in-text citations.