Topic Photography and Computers;Research paper on how computers are use a lot by photographers, focus on Digital photography and Photoshop.type a term paper of approximately 2000 words. The actual writing of the paper consists of a research about your own

Research paper on how computers are use a lot by photographers, focus on Digital photography and Photoshop.

Type a term paper of approximately 2000 words. The actual writing of the paper consists of a research about your own topic for the Project, which must be computer related and approved by the professor (Phase 1).
If you need to include a quote, then use quotation marks, if not, paraphrase. Do NOT copy original text and type it as your own. Plagiarism will be penalized with an automatic 0 (F).
The term paper must be written in Microsoft Word. To determine how many words your term paper has, go to the Tools menu and select Word Count. Your term paper must follow the following format conventions:
Margins: The top, bottom, left and right margins should be set to 1 inch (1”).

Font type: Times New Roman
Font size: 12
Paragraph alignment: The alignment should be set to Justify for the contents’ pages and the Bibliography only. 
Line spacing: The spacing should be set to 1.5 for the contents’ pages and the Bibliography only.

The cover page must be centered from top to bottom (use the Page Setup option).
Everything must be boldfaced.
The first line should be Times New Roman, font size 18.
Except for the Topic name, from the second line on you will use Times New Roman, font size 14.
The Topic name will use Arial, font size 14.
Your name must be aligned to the right. Everything else must be centered (from left to right).
Line spacing must be set to double.
All the margins are 1 inch (1”).
All the text here should be capitalized (UPPERCASE).
Leave a blank line between items.
Make sure that the professor’s name is spelled correctly; use the proper letters.