US Immigration Policy;This writing assignment comprises 10% of your final grade for the class. Your response should be structured as followed: (1) An informative title; (2) An introduction that briefly presents the question, your argument, and gives an o

In approximately 4 double-spaced pages (4 pages max, excluding your list of references; 12pt Times New Roman font; 1” margins), please respond to the prompt provided below. Your response should be largely argumentative and should tie in all of the assigned readings for Week 15 (”The Political Economy of US Immigration Policy”). This writing assignment comprises 10% of your final grade for the class. Your response should be structured as followed: (1) An informative title; (2) An introduction that briefly presents the question, your argument, and gives an overview of the entire paper; (3) A section (or sections) that present your main argument while paying careful attention to any obvious counterarguments; (4) A brief conclusion paragraph; and (5) A list of references using some acceptable citation format. You will be graded on the persuasiveness of your argument, your attention and rebuttal to existing counterarguments, the clarity of your writing, and your ability to synthesize the readings in a coherent way. You will not be graded on what specific side you choose to take. Both a hard copy and e-copy (on D2L) must be submitted for the paper to be considered on time. Late submissions will be penalized a full letter grade (10%) for each day they are late. If you have any additional questions regarding the assignment, please consult me in advance.