Washington on Political Partisanship by George Washington 1799. And Alexis de Toqueville, “How Americans Understand the Equality of the Sexes,” 1840 This are a document response paperevery information u need is down below and note there are two document

Topics: Washington on Political Partisanship by George Washington 1799. And Alexis de Toqueville, “How Americans Understand the Equality of the Sexes,” 1840 This are a document response paper. you would find the attached articles below. Note- this are two different Document Response paper. And don’t go outside the article for sources. Keys things in the Paper 1. The paper should include a brief summary of the primary source. Furthermore, the paper should address the following: What type of text is it? (Letter, treatise, declaration, etc.) When was it written? Who wrote it? Who was the intended audience? What was the purpose? What was the argument? What was the historical context of the writing? What if historians only used primary sources from one perspective? Why is it important to understand something from varying viewpoints?

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