What are some of the premises Plato bases his conclusion on? He puts these arguments in the voice of the Laws of Athens. How does he argue that he has made an agreement with Athens to obey its laws?

What is the conclusion/thesis of the piece? What are some of the premises Plato bases his conclusion on? He puts these arguments in the voice of the Laws of Athens. How does he argue that he has made an agreement with Athens to obey its laws? Do you agree that he has made such an agreement? Why or why not? Identify the assumptions that Socrates bases his argument on. Do you take issue or find fault with any of the assumptions? Even if Socrates had made an agreement to obey the laws, one might think that he had a right to back out of that agreement under some circumstances (say, when he is about to be unjustly executed). But Socrates seems to think that he has no such right. He says he must persuade the city that he is right or obey its lawful commands. (52a) What do you think of this doctrine? For “A Letter from a Birmingham Jail” What is the conclusion/thesis of the piece

? What are some of the premises MLK bases his conclusion on? King offers a description of what constitutes a just law several times, in different ways. Cite as many as you can find, by quoting the descriptions with all the necessary elements of attribution. How does King distinguish a just law from an unjust law? King speaks of different kinds of obligation citizens have regarding their behavior in relation to the system of law and to unjust laws. Cite examples. What are some current laws that you think are unjust according to King’s definition?