Breast MRI

Breast MRI

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-APA Ref.

-NOT more than 1500words.


Your department has decided to set up a High Risk Breast MRI screening service. You have been asked to be part of the project team and write a report for the Director of the department.

Your report must include:

  1. Background (Justification for setting the service up)
  2. MR equipment
  3. Ancillary Equipment
  4. Staffing requirements
  5. A procedure process/policy
  6. Scan protocols

-You are to make recommendations on equipment to be purchased, your department has a 3T MRI scanner.

– Each decision or selection needs to include justification with literature support.

-The procedure process should be a step by step guide on how to schedule, screen and perform a breast MRI.  A maximum of 3 pages on the procedure manual.

-Note, that this is not an essay style assignment.

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