Bug-B-Gone Report – CS&E Final Project

You’ve been hired as an analyst at the prestigious Bug-B-Gone Extermination Firm, Inc.  Your first job as analyst is to perform some routine analysis of the company’s operations.  You will have the company database (BugBGone.mdb on the class web sites).  For testing convenience, a small sample of the entire database has been given to you.  The database is arranged as follows:

Customers : This table contains information relating to all businesses and individuals that your company has dealt with in the past.  CustomerID is a numeric identifier of the customer.  The Name, Address, City, State, and Zip fields are self-explanatory.  The Residential field indicates whether this customer is a residential customer (non-residential customers are considered a business).  Distance, is the distance to this customer’s location from Bug-B-Gone headquarters.  Rooms, is the number of rooms in this home or business.

Vermin : This table lists all the vermin your company has the capability to exterminate.  VerminID is a numeric identifier of this bug.  Name is the vermin’s name, and Type is used in classifying this vermin (see Part III).

Treatments : This table contains one record for each extermination job at a particular customer’s location.  TreatmentID is a numeric identifier of this particular treatment.  Customer and Vermin are the customer and vermin involved in this treatment session, respectively.  The PoisonLbs field indicates how many pounds of poison were applied to treat this vermin at this location for this treatment.  The amount of poison can be used as a rough estimate of the number of vermin exterminated at this site (see Part III).  The Date field is the date of this treatment session.

A detailed description of each analysis (Parts I-VI) is described in this document.  In addition to completing these tasks, your supervisor (your CSE 1111 lecturer) has asked you to create an MS PowerPoint presentation including the following analysis summaries:

Part I – A summary by customer of the expenses, revenues and profits as well as the customer profile categories.  Grand totals of this financial data.  The appropriate chart(s) as described in the instructions.

Part II – The results of you findings for each of the 3 what-if analyses

Part III – A summary by vermin type including the appropriate charts.

Part IV – A description and results of your Bug-Bopper financing