Comparison of two PRIZM,When your results are returned, read and make note of all the information returned. Read and review all of the PRIZM Premier segments in your zipcode (links are to the left).

This assignment focuses on customer demographic information based on zipcode.

Go to the above website.
Enter your zipcode or any other zipcode you wish. Click submit. There can be lag-time; be patient with this site.
When your results are returned, read and make note of all the information returned.
Read and review all of the PRIZM Premier segments in your zipcode (links are to the left). 
In your OWN WORDS, state your zipcode and write a brief summary on the PRIZM Premier segments for your geographic zipcode. Do NOT cut-and-paste the information. Make sure you refer to the segments by number and name. For example, #04 Young Digerati.
Do you agree with the PRIZM segments? Do they “fit” your neighborhood? Explain.
This assignment should be at least 1.5 pages in length.
my zipcode is 45231