COURSEWORK PART 2: Reflective Diary

COURSEWORK PART 2: Reflective Diary

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You are required to produce reflective journal which records in writing your reflections over the period that you are undertaking the module.

Your journal will be assessed on the following criteria.


Assessment criteria. Marking allocation
Clarity and presentation of events or issues. 25%
 Honesty and self-assessment. 15%
 Evidence of creative and critical thinking. 25%
 Evidence of willingness to revise ideas. 15%
 Depth and detail of reflective account. 20%

Marking standards

All coursework is given a percentage marks out of 100 and we also provide detailed guidance on the strengths and weaknesses of your work. In order to be as consistent as possible between modules we apply the following standards:

 General assessment criteria.

Whilst the criteria for each individual coursework are detailed above, following general criteria will be applied as appropriate:

  • Demonstration of the ability undertake a literature review, Which combines information and ideas from a variety of contemporary and cutting-edge sources, And critically evaluate the evidence from both academic research and professional practice.
  • Demonstration of independence of thought and personal responsibility in the exercise of team development skills.
  • The communication complex academic and professional ideas and concepts in written format, combining information clearly and succinctly.

Key skills.

The following key skills will be assessed over the course of the module.

  • The ability to use learning resources.
  • The ability to manage information.
  • The ability to work independently.
  • The ability to communicate.
  • The ability to solve problems.

 Resources: books and other publications

 Many aspects covered in this course are covered in the following publication.

(2015) Performance Coaching for Complex Projects, by Tony Llewellyn, Gower.

Each module unit includes a selection of reading material that is pertinent to the subject matter, which can be found under the module folder published on blackboard. For students wishing to extend their knowledge and understanding of the subject of project teams, the following books are highly recommended.

 Second Order Project Management by Martin Cavanagh, (2012) Gower,

Coaching the Team at Work by David Clutterbuck, D (2007), Nicholas Brealey, London

Leadership: all you need to know by David Pendleton and Adrain Furnaham

The Wisdom of Teams: Creating the High- Performance Organisation by Katzenback, J & Smith, D (1993). Harper Business Essentials

Time to think: Listening to ignite human mind by Nancy Kline (1999) Cassell Illustrated, London.

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni (2002) Jossey Bass

Organisational Culture and Leadership (4th edition.) By Ed Schein E (2010)  Jossey Bass, San Francisco.

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