Critically assess the alternative dispute settlement methods utilised in international law

Critically assess the alternative dispute settlement methods utilised in international law

Critically assess the alternative dispute settlement methods utilised in international law?


Chapter 18. Shaw, Malcolm. International Law.2014. 7th Edition

Chapter 10: Dixon, Martin. International Law. 6th Edition

Chapter 20:  International Trade law 5th Edn. Indira Carr


Some Journals to consider:


International Business law Journal ( Please note each volume has section on arbitration)

World trade Review

Leiden Journal of International Law

International Trade Law & Regulation

International Journal of Law in Context

International Arbitration Law Review

European Journal of International Law

Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law


Some article to have a browse:

Arbitration in Russia: are there any local differences? I.B.L.J. 2015, 5, 463-479

Arbitral jurisprudence: the arbitrator’s concerns about treating the parties equally and taking into account the needs of the state/or concession authority I.B.L.J. 2013, 4, 306-323


Arbitral jurisprudence: the tensions between the arbitrator’s concerns about treating the parties equally and taking into account the needs of the state/or concession authority – contrepoint I.B.L.J. 2013, 4, 336-352


Italy as a place for international arbitrations: the myths of the “Italian torpedo”, the “irritual” arbitration et alia I.B.L.J. 2013, 2, 159-165


The Swiss Rules of International Arbitration (“Swiss Rules”): from 2004 to the (light) 2012 revision I.B.L.J. 2013, 1, 21-39


Informal sources of international business law I.B.L.J. 2010, 3, 278-293


Leveraging the arbitral process to encourage settlement: some practical and legal issues I.B.L.J. 2009, 4, 487-496

Emanations of states and ICSID arbitration I.B.L.J. 2008, 1, 29-51

The setting up of the arbitral tribunal in multi-party arbitrationI.B.L.J. 2006, 2, 197-215


Exploring the causes for change in regional third party dispute settlement World T.R. 2015, 14(2) Supp (Economics Law International Institutions), s59-s81



Amicable settlements of WTO disputes: bilateral solutions in a multilateral system
World T.R. 2014, 13(1), 65-102

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