Draft 3 (Editing and writing);some revision from draft 2 and some writing to create draft 3 Some of the editing I already did, but majority of them I haven’t. The Result section needs to be changed completely with subsections. With draft 3, there will

So for this draft 3, I will need some revision from draft 2 and some writing to create draft 3

Some of the editing I already did, but majority of them I haven’t.

The Result section needs to be changed completely with subsections.

With draft 3, there will need to be a page with an abstract and now we also add a discussion section and conclusion.

So I’m expecting editing, 2 more pages, 1 being the abstract and 2 the added discussion and conclusion page

On the editing part, I will definitely need to change the citations since they’re joined in some of them. It will have need to be broken apart and still the the point across especially in the introduction section