Environmental Economics

Environmental Economics

developing and transition ones. Significant issues persist concerning the availability of a

comprehensive legislation on emissions’ control in different sectors (e.g. wastewater, air pollution,

CO2 emissions, etc.). Discuss how the problem has been addressed in at least two different

countries highlighting the difference between the theory of the determination of the tax rate and the

practice adopted. If figures are available analyse the trend of tax revenues over at least a 5-years


(Possible sources of data and case studies: OECD Environmental Country Review (ECR) Programme

http://www.oecd.org/environment/country-reviews/ , UNECE EPR Programme

https://www.unece.org/env/epr.html , UNEP:


axes.pdf , IMF: https://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/wp/2012/wp12180.pdf, national governmental and

EU reports, e.g.


onomic_analysis/tax_papers/taxation_paper_19.pdf )

2. Public goods are notoriously undersupplied in our societies which often means that too few

financial resources are allocated to them. Natural Parks and Protected Areas are telling examples of

environmental public goods presenting significant problems in their financing and management.

Starting from the theory of public environmental goods, define the exact type of good a protected

area or park represents, explain on the basis of economic theory why a problem of undersupply

persists on the supply of nature protection and – also on the basis of your knowledge of economic

instruments – provide some suggestions on how a protected area could be funded. You are

encouraged to use examples and figures from literature and case-studies.

(Some possible sources of data and case studies are reported below, that candidates are encouraged to widen:


ks.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=2f7eca80498391708494d6336b93d75f ,

http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PA00HV6Z.pdf , https://www.iucn.org/content/sustainable-financingprotected-

areas , https://www.cbd.int/financial/finplanning/p-planfinancing-iucn.pdf,

https://www.cbd.int/financial/privatesector/g-privatthird.pdf )



This is a written individual project. The written project should be presented as a neatly typed Word

document, according to following criteria:

o Length: 2.500 words +/-10%

o Font: Times New Roman or Arial

o Spacing: 1.5

o Referencing and bibliography should follow the Harvard Style

Structure of the Project:

The written work should be framed as follows (different titles can be used for the project sections):

1) Introduction

2) Presentation of the theory used for the performed analysis and of the chosen issue (e.g. emissions

control, provision of public goods, etc.)

3) Description of the instruments analysed (in light of theory) to address the chosen assignment

4) List of policies and/or instruments used to address the issue at stake (meaning, expectations,

targets, results)

5) Case-study/ies and figures (e.g. tables, graphs, charts, etc.)

6) Conclusions and Recommendations

7) References

Make sure the writing is precise and to the point. The paper should not exceed 2000 words per

student, excluding appendices and references.

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