Ethical and Unethical,For your midterm you are required to do a paper on a product or service from two different companies of one advertisement that is ethical and one that you considered to be unethical. The product or service you choose needs to be the

For your midterm you are required to do a paper on a product or service from two different companies of one advertisement that is ethical and one that you considered to be unethical. The product or service you choose needs to be the same for both the ethical and unethical advertisement (for example soda).

Please include the following:

Product Concepts
Marketing Channels used
Why is the advertisement ethical
Why is the advertisement unethical
The outcome of the sales of the product or service for both type of advertisements
What would you change differently from the advertisements
If you could create your own advertisement for this product or service how would you setup the marketing campaign differently
Please include introduction and conclusion
All work must be cited
There must be a cover page with a heading otherwise points will be deducted 
include a table of contents
work cited page