European and purism/ colonism

European and purism/ colonism

1 introduction paragraph 10 body paragraphs 1 conclution paragraph

You have to support and use rsources from a book called Heart of Darkess also you can use different

books as resources or to support.

1. Your assertion= topic sentence ” about the thesis”

2. Textual support from a book called Heart of Darkness

3. Scholarly support

4. Further explanation, elaboration, elucidation, examples

You can use this outlline for this research paper.

Thesis: Heart of Darkness is a throgh in Europearn critique.

Topic sentences:

1.Europearn and purism is wasteful

2.Europearn and purism is oppressive

3.Europearn and purism is the humanizing

4.Europearn and purism is corrupting two ways A: Europearn corruptin B: African corruption

5.Europearn and purism is brutal

6.Europearn and purism is lying, deciple (end with something about civilization)

7.Europearn and purism is shown to be deadly and murderism

8.Europearn asnd purism is to be dead

9.Europearn and purism is shown to be ellegant

10.Europearn and purism is racist


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