Final Exam & Portfolio;Your essay must be multi-paragraph, single-spaced, with a blank line between each paragraph, with a centered title, and header in the left corner. (My guess is that this essay will be 6-10 paragraphs, about 200 words or 5-6 pages if

Final Exam & Portfolio

Your essay must be multi-paragraph, single-spaced, with a blank line between each paragraph, with a centered title, and header in the left corner. (My guess is that this essay will be 6-10 paragraphs, about 200 words or 5-6 pages if it were in hard paper form double-spaced) You must also include a Works Cited entry for each of the entries you refer to or quote from in correct MLA form at the end of the essay. You are to convince me that you have read and thought about our readings this semester and that you have learned three important lessons.-