Final Paper Assignment Description: Option 1:Theology; Using the course resources, including the Martin book and the readings and other media sources from the course, answer one of the following: 1. How do Jesuits, as they live out the idea of “contemplat

Final Paper Assignment Description:
Option 1: Using the course resources, including the Martin book and the readings and other media sources from the course, answer one of the following:
1. How do Jesuits, as they live out the idea of “contemplatives in action” make a difference in the world? How do each of the areas studied (the weekly topics)0 contribute to bringing knowledge of God into the world?
2. In what ways does the Jesuit approach to spirituality and action inform religious belief and practice? How is this helpful to organized religion, particularly Christianity, and how does it help religion engage in the world, and mediate the meaning of the Transcendent into society and culture, both within the Church and outside of it?
3. Or, if you prefer, choose your own topic that will allow you to explore the themes of the class in a comprehensive manner. Please let me know before you do this, so you are aware of the expectations.

Option 2: Five one-page analysis of weekly topics, plus one-page summary
Similar to the academic paper, but broken down into five one-page analyses of how the topics of theological anthropology, science and creation, liberation and theology, ecclesiology, and Jesuit education each reflect the Jesuit ideals and mission, followed by a one-page summary of how the topics of the course lend to the Jesuit vision and its relevance for students in Jesuit higher education.
The papers should be academic in nature, which is to say that they should be informative and not reflective or personal. They should represent the material accurately, and make use of the course resources. Papers should cite the resources found in the course, but need not utilize outside resources. They should reflect your understanding of the topics as covered in the class, and all references should be cited.
This option will allow you to complete the assignment as you go through the course, rather than a comprehensive paper to be completed at the end of the course. Still, the approach to the paper is similar in that it is an academic paper, not a reflection paper.

Option 3: Do the Spiritual Exercises and Write a Summary and Reflection
Using one of the online tools provided, do the Spiritual Exercises (choose from one of the links below). As you go, take notes of the process and the transformation that it intends (and which actually may occur).
In your summary and reflection, include the theological basis for the exercises, relating them to course concepts, such as theological anthropology, faith and reason, transformation of self and world, and finding God in all things. In your summary, be sure to be as comprehensive as possible, discussing how the different approaches to finding God reflect the human spiritual journey and the process of coming to know God through intellect and spiritual practice.
Links for option 3:

Option 4: Do service projects (or ongoing volunteer work) and write a summary and reflection
Do at least three occasions where you are volunteering in a service-based organization, something that serves human life, non-human life, the environment, etc.
In your work, see how Ignatian principles and Jesuit theological concepts come into play. Consider themes that we study, such as: theological anthropology (for example, what does it mean to be human, what does it mean to be interdependent or communal), science/ecology, the church’s mission, solidarity and human dignity, the intersection of civic/political activity and the mission of Jesus, finding God in all things, the mission of bringing God’s presence into the world through our everyday activities and doing good, “listening” to God through our encounters with others and everyday experiences, etc. 
Consider journaling before, during, and after your times volunteering. Reflect on the themes we have studied in the class and in your readings, and how you see these coming into play as we do good for the world and in service to all kinds of life, and how lives are transformed – both the lives of those “served’ as well as those who “serve” others (in other words, how does doing good transform all of us)?
BE SURE to integrate and cite course materials. Be as comprehensive as you can; that is, consider several topics from our course, and consider several sources (not only the textbook). Try to see how the many themes we have studied are integrated into a general Ignatian worldview, and how these themes are applied in the world through our actions. Specifically, how do these themes reflect the Ignatian idea of transformation?
For all papers:
• Each paper should be a minimum of 5 pages. Double-spaced, one inch margins, Times New Roman 12 point font. 
• Papers should reflect your understanding of course topics, and reflect your understanding of the relationship of the themes of the Jesuit mission.
• Papers should utilize more than one resource from the course (so please use the course readings besides the Martin book), but need not include outside resources (with the exception of the links for the third option). In other words, demonstrate as much as you can how you understand the different topics of the course.
• Remember, you should cite all references, whether they are direct quotes or ideas you use from someone else’s mind. Here is a link to different citation style guides:
. Paper should be 5-6 pages, double spaced, 1 in. margins, 12 point Times New Roman font.
See essay grading rubric.
Essay Grading Rubric


FThe paper does not demonstrate that the assigned reading has been understood.
-The paper is dishonest.
-The paper uses another author’s words without identifying them with quotation marks and citing their source.
-The paper completely ignores the assigned questions.
-The paper is incomprehensible due to errors in language or usage (including spelling and grammar)
-The paper contains very serious factual errors.
-The paper is less than the assigned number of pages.

DThe paper demonstrates a very basic understanding of the texts and course resources.
-It lists or describes data, lacks focus and organization, and includes serious factual errors or omissions.
-It does not discuss the readings sufficiently.
-It states an argument or thesis, but the argument or thesis does not address the assigned question satisfactorily.

CThe paper demonstrates a basic understanding of the texts and course material.
-It lists or describes data, lacks focus and organization, and includes factual errors or significant omissions.
-It correctly lists or describes theological data but lacks focus and organization.
-The paper states an argument or thesis but supporting sub-theses and factual evidence (including quotes and citations) are
-not sufficiently specific.
-all or partly obscured by errors in language or usage (including grammar and spelling).

BThe paper demonstrates a good understanding of the texts and course material.
-The paper states an argument on the appropriate topic, clearly supported by relevant sub-theses and specific factual evidence, but counter arguments
-are missing.
-lack support (support is missing, not specific, or incorrect).
-are stated and supported but there is no response to the counter argument

AThe paper demonstrates an excellent understanding of the texts and course material.
-The paper adequately states and defends an argument and answers significant counter arguments and counter examples suggested using a combination of
-lectures and class discussions
-reading assignments
-common knowledge

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