Ford Pinto Scandal;Convince the reader that some clearly articulated thesis is true. A good thesis is both non-obvious and defensible. Finding a thesis to defend, presenting good reasons to believe that thesis, and being fair to potential objections is ha

Convince the reader that some clearly articulated thesis is true. A good thesis is both non-obvious and defensible. Finding a thesis to defend, presenting good reasons to believe that thesis, and being fair to potential objections is hard work.  Thesis: Ford should’ve spent the $11 for the counter part per Pinto car and taken the stakeholders in to consideration versus just trying to maximize profits for the shareholders. Their reputation is on the line along with trust, loyalty and honesty to their customers. They risked people lives Mention the Conflict: Managers try to maximize profit (in favor of the shareholder theory), scandal of financial calculation: Internal memo calculation legal fees are less than cost of replacing. Mention the counter argument on money Ford saved. Mention Shareholders and stakeholders theory and what the obligations of managers have: Maximize investors in the long run Manager’s role: what is the right thing to do? Benefits the company in the long run ford pinto scandal -Evidence that there is something wrong with shareholder theory Mention what happened Long term: What it did to their sales