Genetic Engineering Applications;Advances of Transgenic Plant Relevant Vaccines Production Methods and their limitations

 1) The Topic : “Advances of Transgenic Plant Relevant Vaccines Production Methods and their limitations” **”Make sure the paper is focused and reviews a specific topic within this broad problem. The course work is a literature based research essay with in-depth analysis on the suggested topic. 2) The Format the essay should follow that of review papers adopted by leading scientific journals. Length: 2000-2500 words (excluding the title page and the reference list). Make the file in the MS Word format. Normally, the review should cover at least 3 articles. Spacing: 1.5-line interval Margins: 2 cm throughout Font: 12 pt Times New Roman **The paper should include several sections (each of them is about a particular subtopic): you may name those sections accordingly. The paper should contain a list of the used references. Below is a general guidance for each of the sections (not mandatory and may not be named exactly as shown): 1) Abstract 2) Introduction (Thesis) (about 1-2 pages): This is a section, in which should briefly describe a purpose of the work. Provide some background information, e.g., what is known about the problem and what is not, why this problem is important, etc. Provide respective references to the original sources. 3) Results and Discussion (Evidence and Analysis) (3-4 pages): This is a main section of the paper. It should summarize results from the articles under review. Try to be clear and concise. You may use table(s) or/and figure(s) (not more than 2 of each) to present the findings. Discuss the results. What have been found and what remains obscure or still unknown? What are the prospects? 4) Conclusions (1 paragraph, 2-3 sentences)): A brief concluding statement of the previous section. 5) References. should provide both in-text references and a list of the used references at the end of the essay. In preparation of your essay, you are encouraged to use the following sources and databases: the US National Library of Medicine (; National Center for Biotechnology Information (; European Molecular Biological Organization ( and similar world organizations and databases.