Hall of Biodiversity

Hall of Biodiversity

In this permanent exhibition, you will see the beauty and extraordinary abundance of life forms on Earth. You will have the opportunity to review the 3.5 billion years of evolutionary history, including microorganisms to the giant aquatic and terrestrial plants and animal. We spent the entire semester covering this topic.

a) Make an evolutionary walk and recognize the 28 groups of organisms that have been described as existing along the history of life on earth. Which ones call your attention and why?

b) Can you find the five previous mass extinctions? Describe them and include examples of the extinction and threatened species.

c) Study Dodo’s history. What lesson did we learn from its extinction?

d) Stop for a moment and admire the complexity and beauty of the Protista. What do you learn from this exhibition?

Theme Human Biological and cultural evolution

You are invited first to review the evolution of the Primates and place humans within the context of this group of higher vertebrates. (Hall of Primates: Third Floor), then explore human evolution as found in the Hall of human origins paired with DNA research to present the remarkable history of the evolution of man (First Floor). In this Hall you will meet with the our early ancestors who lived more than six million years ago to Homo sapiens.

Then proceed to observe the rise of early societies en el Hall of Asian Peoples (Third Floor) and, finally, briefly survey contemporary Native People (Hall of South American Peoples, Second floor).

I. Hall of Primates (Third Floor)

a. Study the classification and diversity of primates, and how they are related to humans.

b. How closely related humans are to the Old World monkeys, New World monkeys, apes?

THINK : Did we descend from apes?

II. Hall of Human Origins and Human Genetics (first floor). Explore our place in time and space (nature), early humans and cultures in such exhibits as:

a. Our place in nature
b. Our place in time
c. Humans are vertebrates
d. Humans are primates
e. Humans are hominoids

1. Jot down a classification of humans: distinguish among anthropoids, hominoids, and humans.

2. Contrast the australopithecines. Homo habilis, Homo erectus, Neanderthal and Homo sapiens.

3. Meet “Lucy””: one of the most complete female skeletons found from the early hominids that flourished between 4 and 2 million years ago.

4. Where do humans begin? With Homo sapiens? With Paranthropus? Others?

5. How does cultural evolution relate the development of tools and art?

6. What does it mean to be human, biologically, culturally, spirituality?

Visit the DNA research area.

What is the relationship between the human fossil record and the genomic science?

1. Who are we?

2. Where do we come from?

3. What will be our future?

4. What did you learn about the DNA in the exhibit? Can you quote some ideas?


Think: What is the next step in human (Superhuman?) evolution? Bigger brain? Stronger body? Greater wisdom?

III. Hall of Asian Peoples, observe various exhibits related to early tool cultures and first evolutionary steps of civilization; to agriculture and development of the first cities. Relate them to the exhivits in the

previous Hall.

IV. Hall of South American Peoples: study their cultural diversity related to the diverse environments in which they live, again comparing your discoveries in Hall of Human Biology and Evolution and Hall of Asian Peoples.

For the last Halls.

a) Where did the first cultures arise?

b) What are the relationships of humans to their environment and how they used it from the dawn of humankind?

c) What role did tools play in development of civilizations? How?

Think: Are modern civilizations and their domination over the environment beginning to overstep the evolutionary opportunity for human continuity on earth?