Health and social care: UK government’s urban policy agenda

Health and social care: UK government’s urban policy agenda

For Coursework 2 you will submit a 3000 word essay/report on Planning, Public Health, Healthy Cities & Sustainable Communities using the Working Title:

Exploring the practice of planning for delivering healthy cities, effective public health and sustainability: A critical evaluation of the UK government’s urban policy agenda

This will deal primarily with the underlying theoretical and policy issues utilising the course reading material that you are provided with as we get in to the module territory. You are expected to incorporate relevant reading materials (like the excerpt below), draw upon relevant theories and also include practical examples.

“As public health disparities are increasingly understood as a product of social, economic, political and physical inequalities in places-not just between people- the field of urban planning will need to play a more active role in understanding and addressing these inequities.”

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