Ineffective leadership and management at Imperial Hotel .

The assessment is based on a business and management case study which requires a team-based approach to identifying and problem-solving a range of business and management challenges within the case. The report will be an individual 2,000 words report which will address a specific ‘problem’ : Ineffective leadership and management by previous Heads of Department and supervisory staff including poor monitoring and control procedures Problem that need to be solved: Ineffective leadership and management by previous Heads of Department and supervisory staff including poor monitoring and control procedures As an independent consultant, you have been asked by Peter Farnsworth to take responsibility for analysing the problem, commenting on Peter Farnsworth’s initial suggestions and putting forward a joint set of resolutions for the listed problems. You are therefore to put forward and prioritise proposals for the resolution of the problem. The expectation is that within 12 months there should be dramatic improvement and change in performance in all six areas. You have asked to write a 2,000 word report addressing your single problem topic to attempt to resolve that problem in the hotel. ! So, applying a range of management theories to different contexts, you need to analyse and make suggestions in order to solve the problem (Ineffective leadership and management by previous Heads of Department and supervisory staff including poor monitoring and control procedures) Theories: The competing values framework Key models of classical management Rational goal models: Frederick W. Taylor -Advocated 5 basic principles to help managers achieve greater control and predictability: 1.use scientific methods to determine ‘best way’ to do things the best person (physical and mental) 3.train, teach and develop employees according to prescribed methods 4.provide appropriate financial incentives 5.managers to own all planning and organisation of work Internal process models: Max Weber -Weber at the forefront of development of theory of bureaucracy – which fostered routinisation Associated with: -Rules and regulations – helps to maintain stability and coordination between top and middle management and employees -Impersonality – helps ensure fairness, rather than nepotism and favouritism -Division of labour between management and employees – specialised tasks making jobs easy to learn and to control -Hierarchical structure – vertical power structure helps control -Authority structure – the right to make decisions of varying importance at different levels -Rationality – ‘scientific’ to achieve organisation’s objectives Human Relations approach: Mary Parker Follett -Social worker who graduated from Harvard University -Interest in small groups – how people work together and how group process becomes the vehicle for creativity in the work place -Advocated replacement of bureaucratic institutions with networks where individuals undertook self-analysis of their own problems and implemented their own solutions -Groups seen as intermediate institutions between solitary individuals and abstract society – cooperative action possible through institution of groups.