International Relationship

International Relationship

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Order description

Category: Undergraduate

4 pages, Double spaced

Executive summary


According to academic executive summary form


  1. Introduction


*This report will explain…

*Paraphrase 3 parts of report question

3 part report question: explain: the purpose+benefits of IR

Choose: 2 guiding principles+explain them

Evaluate: effectiveness of the company’s annual report

2.0 purpose and benefits

Purpose: *value over time *integrated thinking

Benefits: *communication, cost+risk management *intergrated thinking

*Is to shows to providers of financial capital…

*Benefits all stakeholders interested

Citations from: IR framework P4 + Roth P65 (maybe own reading)

3.0 guiding principles of IR

*Introducing framework use IR Framework

*introducing 7 principles to guide companies

3.1 strategic focus and future orientation (use IR Framework Page 16)( denfinition. Explaination )

*The IR framework states strategic focus and future orientation should include…

3.2 stakeholder relationships (use IR framework P5 ) ( denfinition. Explaination )

*The IR framework states stakeholder relationships should include…

4.0 evaluation of Rio Tinto

Introduce Rio Tinto

4.1 strategic focus and future orientation

Explain how this principle working in Rio Tinto

4.2 stakeholder relationships

Explain how this principle working in Rio Tinto


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