Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud;Readings to be used for the paper: 1.“The Communist Manifesto” by Karl Marx (Excerpts-Edited by Friedrich Engels) Readings to be done: (Preamble and Chapter 1: “Bourgeois and Proletarians”-See attached file: “Karl Marx-The

Instructions for the Critical Thinking paper


Important: Do not use any secondary sources for this paper, only the readings that are assigned from the attached files.


Readings to be used for the paper:

1.“The Communist Manifesto” by Karl Marx (Excerpts-Edited by Friedrich Engels)

 Readings to be done: (Preamble and Chapter 1: “Bourgeois and Proletarians”See attached file: “Karl Marx-The Communist Manifesto”.


2. “Civilization and its Discontents” by Sigmund Freud (Newly Translated from the German and edited by James Strachey, Standard edition)


Readings to be done: Chapter V- see attached file: “Sigmund Freud – Civilization and Its Discontents:  Chapter V”





Read and analyze the two readings from the attached files: (1) “Karl Marx-The Communist Manifesto” and (2) “Sigmund Freud – Civilization and Its Discontents”




Write a (1) One Page Critical Thinking paper consisting of not more than (1) page in length and answer the following questions in your own words:

What was the author’s point?

What was the author trying to convince you of in the assigned readings of the text?

What is the importance or important points in the assigned readings of the text?

What are your thoughts and analysis from the assigned readings of the text?

You can add more points or observations, if needed.



This is to be a (1) page paper (not more than (1) one page in length)

Use only “Times New Roman”, Size-12 Font with 1”-inch margins