L392-Survey Monkey Draft Questions

The term “planetary health” has been described as the health of human civilization and the state of the natural systems on which it depends. How accurate is this definition?

Planetary health calls urgent attention to the extensive degradation of the planet for human advancement. How concerned are you about the current pace from governments regarding planet protection?

The term global warming and climate change are now used as buzz words in academia and other circles. How damaging is this practice to overall planetary health and related outcomes?

More people are aware of planetary health issues now than they were a decade ago owing to the attention brought by climate change. Do you agree with this statement?

How concerned are you regarding the challenges facing the field of planetary health?

How concerned are you about the future in relation to the state of natural systems?

Is focusing on global warming and climate change more important than discussing how best to manage the scarce resources and balancing such with economic prosperity?

When involved in efforts to solve planetary health issues, how often, in your opinion, are people and organizations successful?

How well will the planet recover on its own from the various problems caused by humans?

How safe would you feel if the government builds a nuclear plant a few blocks from where you live?

Do you agree that there is a need for the world to rethink the energy issue vis-à-vis the environment and planetary health?

How willing are you to make changes to your current lifestyle in order to reduce the damage to the planet?

Log on to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/GVVJHRQ to complete the survey