Leadership, Policy and Change in action

Leadership, Policy and Change in action

Word : 2000 words

What is required?

As a leader of change, you will often be expected to develop or implement a new policy. An initial step is to analyse the cultural context, and evidence base that can inform the change. 



 Use the APA referencing system. Refer to CiteWrite. 


Please following the four structures :


This option is designed for those people who do not have recent experience in a specific context to draw on. Here is a suggested plan:

 Looking out: Prepare a research brief for a policy topic. Make recommendations for leaders to consider when implementing in various cultural contexts .

1-Introduction: (300 words) 

Identify a policy that needs to be developed or redeveloped. Briefly describe the purpose of the policy and introduce which contexts you the policy might be designed to suit.

2-Policy analysis: (700 words) 

Justify why this policy is necessary. Analyse for policy by reviewing the literature to identify best practice. State which theories and principles of policy analysis are informing your critique. 

Who can read your policy?

Who is it for? Public     or   Private

What inspired the policy?    Reactive       Proactive

How important was implementation?

Symbolic  or Material

Who benefits from the policy?

Who are the policy actors?

Authority… Top Down

“certainty through regularity”

Participation…Bottom Up

“opportunity for social construction”


a) Analyse the values that the policy is based on…..

Policy bases

Social concerns/values base

Legal base

Economic base

Political base

b) Rational approach

What does the research say about the issue? Often policy analysis will take the form of a briefing paper. It should provide sufficient information for decision makers to act upon.

Search for other information

current policies, 

locally and in other jurisdictions 

international findings on best practice

 in the field

 recent reviews and reports on the issue

 academic journals

discussions with experts within and outside

consultation with clients

(Althaus et al, 2007 p 65)

Or c) critically analyse values using an set of criteria eg: Index for Inclusion



Analysis is a significant step in all of the approaches to policy development. Policy analysis can occur before a policy is written to prepare for policy development or after the policy has been written, to critique the values or implications on practice.

What is required?

As a leader of change, you will often be expected to develop or implement a new policy. An initial step is to analyse the cultural context, and evidence base that can inform the change. 



 Use the APA referencing system. Refer to CiteWrite. 


Please following the four structures :


This option is designed for those people who do not have recent experience in a specific context to draw on. Here is a suggested plan:

 Looking out: Prepare a research brief for a policy topic. Make recommendations for leaders to consider when implementing in various cultural contexts .

1-Introduction: (300 words) 

Identify a policy that needs to be developed or redeveloped. Briefly describe the purpose of the policy and introduce which contexts you the policy might be designed to suit.

2-Policy analysis: (700 words) 

Justify why this policy is necessary. Analyse for policy by reviewing the literature to identify best practice. State which theories and principles of policy analysis are informing your critique. 

Who can read your policy?

Who is it for? Public     or   Private

What inspired the policy?    Reactive       Proactive

How important was implementation?

Symbolic  or Material

Who benefits from the policy?

Who are the policy actors?

Authority… Top Down

“certainty through regularity”

Participation…Bottom Up

“opportunity for social construction”


a) Analyse the values that the policy is based on…..

Policy bases

Social concerns/values base

Legal base

Economic base

Political base

b) Rational approach

What does the research say about the issue? Often policy analysis will take the form of a briefing paper. It should provide sufficient information for decision makers to act upon.

Search for other information

current policies, 

locally and in other jurisdictions 

international findings on best practice

 in the field

 recent reviews and reports on the issue

 academic journals

discussions with experts within and outside

consultation with clients

(Althaus et al, 2007 p 65)

Or c) critically analyse values using an set of criteria eg: Index for Inclusion


Analysis is a significant step in all of the approaches to policy development. Policy analysis can occur before a policy is written to prepare for policy development or after the policy has been written, to critique the values or implications on practice.


4-Implications and Recommendations: (500 words)

 From your analysis, conclude with implications this policy will have for leaders, and make recommendations or principles that you believe should guide an implementation strategy. 


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