Letter to the Instructor. MY CLASS WORK CHALLENGES





The Letter to the Instructor

Dear Sir/Madam,


Please, take this as a treatise of the above subject.

I am an English student in this class. I must confess that have greatly benefited from your instructions and guidance in this course. However, I have encountered a number of weaknesses as a writer such as; low language command, inadequate level of creativity as well as failing to adequately meet the needs of my targeted audience.

These weaknesses have given me difficulty in developing into a good writer. In an attempt to redressing these weaknesses, I have attempted to undo my poor reading habits, my being indifferent to literary works and my failure to develop a passion for literary creativity.

These weaknesses have prompted me to invest more in creativity so that I may adequately meet the appalling needs of my targeted audience. I am now able to retain my readers’ attention and interest throughout the story. I am also able to inspire joy and pleasure from those who read my works. I also believe that, my readers are now able to retell my captivating creative piece of literary works more easily since the literature are richer in imagery, folklore, proverbs and excreta.

Have also attempted to be more relevant to the desired needs of my specified audience as well as read more in an attempt to develop my language command and improve the coherence of my language too. In this light, have developed interest in the works of other. This has enabled me to learn from them too. This has greatly made me realize m attendant mistakes and as such have been able to right my wrongs in the preceding precepts.

Have attempted to equally add passion and love to writing and writing resource materials that are of great relevance in writing. This has altogether led to my greater developed capacity for quality writing. I strongly believe that I will derive fulfillment in it over time due to the fact that my writ will be very outstanding.

Moreover, I have cherished consultations and inquiry into this field. This has enriched me with adequate knowledge that has greatly improved my writing capacity per se.

In conclusion, I must also admit that have developed an ardent passion for research in this field of study and this has also contributed greatly to my current level of language competence and my strong capacity in writing as well.

In spite of the above redressed challenges in the course of my study, I must also admit my bias in the type of essays that we handled as a class. For example, the essay that pleased me most pleased was the one with the leadership come political inclination while the one that pleased me least was that which was laden with emotional connotations that on love.

There was little difficulty in the essays that we completed in this class. The essays were within our ability to handle properly well. I must equally add that the format of the class very good too. There was prompt lecture feedback, the quality of notes was equally high and the subsidiary or complementary materials were an apt resource too.

Last but not least, the text book was overly helpful I n entirety since, it gave us guidance, and the methodological flow that enabled us develop a capacity for competent writing.

Yours faithfully,

Your name.