List of hazard identified in the construction site

Risk – hazard evaluation

List of hazard identified in the construction site


Noise pollution


Eye injury

Manual handling injuries


Assess the risks that may result from the hazards.


The leakage of chemicals outside the workplace may lead to environmental pollution leading to contamination of water, loss of life and unproductive land.

Death of workers may result due to coming into contact with hazards; this may result by experiencing difficulties in breathing and other symptoms.

Destruction of property may occur due to effects of hazard chemicals e.g. explosions.

When some of hazard chemicals get into contact with the skin it may lead to skin cancer and some skin complication sickness.

Splashing of the hazardous chemicals into the eye may lead to loss of sight leading to blindness.

Noise pollution

This may lead to deafness.

Also lack of concentration may occur in the workplace after having too much noise ring in one’s head.


Due to excessive exposure to the sun light when working, infection of skin cancer chances are high.

Eye injury

Leads to loss of sight and blindness.

Manual handling injuries

These are the most common injuries in most work places; this may lead to extremely painful back pains.


Exposure of dust similar to sand dust may lead to breathing complications, because when inhaled it affects the lungs.

When some hazard dusts gets into contact with the eye it may lead to eye snags.

The control measures to help in preventing and minimising the hazards risks

Positive procurement practices to ensure the purchase of environment friendly materials.

Decrease the purchase of unnecessary toxic and hazardous chemicals.

Decrease the consumption and free of pollutants.

Reduce the release and exploitation of the toxic chemicals to the environment.

Decrease the implementation of extremely hazardous chemicals in the facility.

Reduction in the consumption of materials, water and power in the facility.

Mechanical aid to help reducing the manual handling injuries.

The use of wide brimmed hats, neck covers, long sleeved shirts and working under shade to prevent the skin cancer infection.

The use of safety glasses and goggles in the work place to provide protection from welding flash, sun light, dust e.t.c.

Set of control measures

To prevent the damage of the ear, the workers are supposed to work with ear pieces. By providing the workers with some education to help them understand on the risks of the hazards, Create attention notices to help the workers notice on the risks concerning the hazards. The reduction in the use of toxic and hazard chemicals in the construction site can control and minimise the chances of workers suffering on injuries concerning the pollution. The minimisation of purchasing unwanted materials and chemicals in the construction may also help in the reduction and minimising of pollution in the site e.g. after purchasing excessive materials in the site, the field workers will take much time in organising and arranging the materials in the this may lead to exhaustion.

Setting out monitor and review effectiveness of measures

Establishing of a pollution prevention team of which they should be selected from the current facility staff; the project of pollution prevention should be supported by maintenance engineers, supply staff, safety staff and occupational health professionals but also the help of some staff to help in the field work may be required. This will help in smoothing of work when it comes to implementing the new pollution prevention policies in the facility. The prevention team should be managed by a leader from the environmental prevention agency who is educated and a professional in that field.

Gather and ask for ideas from the current staff team, make them donate ideas on how they think the issue of pollution in the construction site should be tackled. Provide some prevention skills to some staff making them able to understand and have the idea on how to tackle and prevent pollution in the construction site; this will be by offering some education lessons concerning pollution management and prevention to the staffs.

Complete a Safety Walk / OH&S Inspection / Hazard Notice – based on Scaffolding for the project.

Safety walk

This enables the safety of the workplace based on the procedures to follow when scaffold work. A competent qualified professional should be the one conducting the survey walk on the site, he/she would be capable of identifying the existing and future problems which will affecting the scaffolds and work on the preventive measures to implement or how to eliminate the issues entirely if it will be possible. Come up with ideas and create a procedure to follow which will help in conducting safety walks in the scaffold site.

OH & S inspection

Make sure that the scaffold is safe by ensuring that it is able to carry its weight and an addition of extended maximum weight without displacement. Make sure that all unwanted materials are not used in supporting the scaffold e.g. gallons and cartons. Ensure the scaffold has the access of stairwells and ladders. The scaffold should be equipped with guardrails, mid rails and toe boards. An allowance of 10 feet’s should be between the scaffold and any electricity power lines.

Hazard notice

Full protection





Hazard communication


Head protection

Safety checklists

Personnel protective equipment