Military Case Study Outline,Identify resiliency resources and biblical/spiritual principles and insights (not simply quoting Bible verses) are identified and applied. Include a conclusion-summary of key points identified in the outline. Students will supp

The student will develop a comprehensive APA outline from the military topic identified in Module/Week 2. The outline must be a 2-3-page paper (not including the title page or reference page) which identifies 3-4 major points and at least 2 subpoints for each major point. Support the subpoints in the text with scholarly sources.

The outline will identify and briefly address:

Introduction (importance of the topic). Do not use the word Introduction.
Include major points and subpoints which identify issues such as: stressors, challenges, benefits, opportunities-supported by scholarly research.
Identify resiliency resources and biblical/spiritual principles and insights (not simply quoting Bible verses) are identified and applied.
Include a conclusion-summary of key points identified in the outline.
Students will support their subpoints ideas with a minimum of six scholarly research sources, i.e., course texts, peer-reviewed journal articles no more than 7 years old.