Multicultural Literature Description Options to write about: “What’s in a Name?” by Jialin Peng “The Rain Came” by Grace Ogot “Jovita” by Dinah Silveira de Queiroz “Cranes” by Hwang Sunwon “Trail of the Green Blazer” by R. K. Narayan “God Sees the Truth,

 This project consists of two parts, each worth 50 points for a total of 100 points. Note that grammar, spelling, and proper citation of sources are important for this project. Refer to the appendix in this course for guidelines on writing conventions. Part A This portion of the assignment will involve examining a piece of literature more closely and looking at how the author’s life and beliefs are reflected in the writing. Writers write about what they know and observe. The time and place in which an author lives influences the works that he or she creates. Many authors intentionally include details about the time and place in which they lived as a form of social commentary. First, you will select a piece of literature that you have read in either Unit 2 or Unit 3. Then, you will examine how the writer is reflected through that piece of writing. How does the author communicate his or her view of the world through the piece of writing? Look at how the piece of writing portrays the setting, the characters, and the theme. Examine the writing style. Look for a stance on a topic based on the time and place in which the author lived and compare it to where and when the story is set. Observe how the author’s own experiences are reflected in the writing. Decide whether or not the writer is using the story as a vehicle for social commentary. If so, what is the author’s stance on the social issues of the time? How is this idea communicated to the reader? 1. Research the time period in which the story is set to learn more about the historical background and why it is important. Use the author information in the textbook and lessons as a place to start. How is the time period reflected in the story? 2. Review the information provided about the author in the textbook and lessons. Go beyond this information to learn more about the particular author that you have selected. What did you learn about the background of the author that is reflected in his or her writing? 3. Examine the characters, setting, plot, and theme of the story, and draw some conclusions about how the story reflects the information about the author’s purpose and background. Find specific evidence from the story to support your ideas. What evidence in the story did you find that shows the author’s purpose and background? 4. Write a well-developed essay that analyzes how the author’s purpose and background are reflected in the story. A brief summary of the story will be part of the essay. However, the essay is to be an analysis of the author’s background and purpose, not just a summary of the story. Be sure that all of the questions above are addressed in your essay. Follow these guidelines for organizing your essay: Thesis Statement Develop a thesis statement, which will be the basis for your essay. The thesis statement will answer these questions: What is the subject of my essay? What is my opinion on this subject? Your thesis statement must include: -the name of the author -the name of the work about which you are writing -a statement that is a clear response to the questions being asked Introduction The introduction to your essay will include your thesis statement, an attention getter or a hook to get the reader interested in the topic, and general background information necessary to inform the reader and provide a context for the remainder of the paper. Main Body Your essay must include information about the author’s background, the time period, and specific evidence from the story to prove the thesis and answer the questions. Ensure each point is given a new paragraph. Write a well-developed topic sentence for each body paragraph that covers one topic and supports the thesis. Explain the topic and use evidence from the text or your outside sources to support the topic. Write a concluding sentence to finalize your discussion of that topic. Use transitional words or phrases at the start of each paragraph and within the paragraph that will guide the reader through the paper and show how each topic relates to the previous paragraph or topic. A few examples of transitional words are “however,” “in addition,” “for this reason,” “nevertheless,” and “moreover.” Conclusion The concluding paragraph for your essay should wrap up and draw the essay to a close. You should restate your main points in a new and refreshing way. Then, you should draw the essay to a graceful conclusion by finalizing your thoughts on the topic.