NetFlix in China

NetFlix in China

The assignment for each team is to recommend a business plan to an international company for entry into a new country. The choices must be for both a company and a specific country that the company is not in today, and may wish to enter in the future. Examples could be: Target in China, Starbucks in Venezuela, Hallmark in Australia, Wal-Mart in South Africa, H&M in Brazil, or Chick-fil-A in Ireland. Each team is to assess the political, economic, regulatory, and cultural climate of a country, and report about the attractiveness of the country for an investment project their selected firm is considering. You are expected to provide an assessment of how the political, economic, regulatory, and cultural environment will specifically impact the proposed investment, and make a recommendation as to whether the firm should invest in the country and what form of investment (e.g., a wholly owned subsidiary or a joint venture) is preferable if the investment is made.