Occurrence of Blue – Green Algae in Inland Waters and their Health and Environmental Impacts

Occurrence of Blue – Green Algae in Inland Waters and their Health and Environmental Impacts

General Description

1. The review should be a well documented and clearly structured scientific report.
You must include at least 15 peer reviewed scientific papers that report the results of research in your assigned discipline.
While brief treatment of the management context will be relevant, your emphasis should be on the scientific questions. Don’t fall into the trap of writing an essay mainly on management and considering the scientific issues only briefly.

2. Include a word count on the title page with details as to how it was calculated (eg, wordprocessor, count based on lines, etc).

Appendices, graphs and your bibliography should not be included in the word count. Keep as close as possible to the length limit for the primary text (ie not including
numerical tables, diagrams, appendices and references).

3. Make sure you have a succinct executive summary.

4. Be sure you demonstrate a critical understanding of the subject and cover the literature thoroughly. Also ensure you have followed the Harvard referencing style in citations and references