Philosophy;Make a research at least three sources beyond the textbook. Include a Works Cited paged. Internet sources should have a named, scholarly author. No .com sources. Wikipedia can be helpful for quick reference; it should not be listed as a source.

should research at least three sources beyond the textbook. Include a Works Cited paged. Internet sources should have a named, scholarly author. No .com sources. Wikipedia can be helpful for quick reference; it should not be listed as a source. The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy and The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy are both excellent places to begin; Philosophy Pages not so much.

Follow MLA style for in-paper references and works cited. Microsoft Word has a tool to format your citations. Be sure to cite internet sources correctly – a URL is not a complete citation
This research paper will be over Aristotle, you will need to Summarize the key points of Aristotle’s ethics. You should discuss Aristotle’s understanding of happiness and virtue; and his argument that the practice of virtue involves locating a mean between extremes.