Physical Activities Reduce The Weight Gain Problem

Physical Activities Reduce The Weight Gain Problem

Title: Title uses concise wording to summarize the main idea of the proposal. Every word in the running title is meaningful. Introduction: is organized into logical sections, including the background of the problem, statement of the problem, research question(s). Hypothesis: The used hypothesis (-es) is (are) well presented, clear and relevant to the topic. Comprehensiveness+Literature review: Literature review is comprehensive, demonstrating the knowledge of the relationship between the research and other related research; the ability to assess, plan, and reflect upon research in your area of interest; Appropriate for the given questions. Focuses on empirical literature and claims. Research claims supported by literature. Methods & General Format: Clear, well-structured Method section that contains all necessary and relevant sub-headings. Well-defined variables. Clear and relevant statistical analysis plan. References: and in-text citations are organized according to APA or other styles, are appropriate to the topic, focus on primary resources. All citations in the text appears in the references section, and all references appear in the text. Writing Mechanisms: The proposal flows well, and contains subsections and well-developed paragraphs that use topic sentences and transitions. Sentence structure and word choice is clear and concise, with appropriate language. Proposal is free of spelling, or grammatical errors. Preferred language style UK English