

What began as ICE (Ice, Compression and Elevation) became RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation) and then PRICE (Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation) and is currently the most commonly used guide for the immediate management of acute soft tissue injuries in sport. Cold therapy has remained central and the use of ice packs and other forms of cryotherapy is widespread. Discuss the extent to which the acute use of cryotherapy is evidence-based, and give examples of situations when its use may or may not be justified.

It is suggested that you begin with some general reading in the area before developing a literature search strategy. Allow ample time to conduct your literature search and retrieve relevant information. Be aware of what the popular media are saying, but rely on primary sources of information: look closely at the methods used in the original research studies and at the conclusions that the authors have drawn and do not trust others to interpret these correctly. You may choose to begin with some of the websites identified in the Program materials already sent to you, or you may choose to begin with PubMed or one of the other literature databases. At the end of your text, you should give a brief indication of your literature search strategy, and the steps taken to ensure a comprehensive overview of the available information.

The amount of space necessary to present a full description and evaluation of the evidence will vary, depending on the literature chosen, but you should write not more than 1000 words. It will be challenging to compress the available evidence into this space, but the ability to write in a concise manner is an important skill. This word allowance does not include any supporting references on which you rely, which should be listed in full at the end of the paper.

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