PROJECT: BIBLICAL WORLDVIEW || ~ Biblica;Ensure that your paper is properly placed in MLA format, having … o (1) a heading o (2) a title o (3) an introduction paragraph o (4) an over-arching thesis statement (i.e. *the main idea of the paper, clear

Big Picture*


As we have seen, our worldview shapes everything about us. In the previous unit, we examined the political, theological, and philosophical dimensions within the Greek and Hebrew worldviews. This unit, we began assessing our own worldviews (and the worldviews of our day) by learning and interpreting our assumptions and presuppositions which dictate our understanding of truth and morality.


Pulling together what we have learned from these last two units, how are we to have a Christian / Biblical worldview in a world where our assumptions and presuppositions are perpetually tempted, thereby tempting us likewise to deny absolute truth and morality? The next couple of units will certainly bring clarity to this issue, but for now the tension upholding the question remains.


*Small Picture*



As we continue to develop a biblical worldview in today’s world, let’s pause a minute to focus on but one question set within this much larger question:

How are we, as followers of Jesus, supposed to juggle the tension between the seemingly “dualistic” biblical themes of

Law (“the Torah”) and grace?

(In other words, can the biblical themes of law and grace be harmonized together, or are they conflicting truths / standards of morality?)


Using your studies from these first two units, the Scriptures, and the videos borrowed from The Bible Project, write a paper that knits-together a healthy and holistic, biblical understanding of Law (i.e. “the Torah”) and grace for the Christian in today’s world.


This paper will cause you to integrate and apply the principles that you learned throughout the past two units to a very open-ended question — As you are doing this, you will be expected to address and engage the following topics as you work through your paper:

( I ) What is “the Law,” and what is its purpose for the people of Israel?

( II ) As Israel’s Messiah, Jesus came to fulfill the law (Mt. 5:17). If the law has been fulfilled, what is its role today?

( III ) If the law was given to guide and shape Israel’s morality (leading them to become the people that they were called to be by YHWH), has grace now prevented the law from fulfilling its purpose?

(*Personal Reflection Questions to Engage With As You Write Your Paper*)

( IV ) How do YOU personally ease the tension between the two themes of Law and grace?

( V ) How does engaging this question expose one’s presuppositions of holiness / sin / repentance? (*keep in mind that whatever one presupposes informs their understanding of truth, and likewise, their morality*)


How to Use Resource Videos

1st Watch: WATCH video all the way through – sit back and enjoy!

2nd Watch: WATCH video with attention to topic-specific theme(s) – capture big picture, note the plot lines

3rd Watch: WATCH video with the paper’s prompt in front of you – apply video themes to the paper’s prompt


Required Videos!

(these videos and the Bible are to be your primary sources for this paper)

The Law –

Holiness –

Secondary Sources!

(feel free to use these videos to supplement this paper)

The Day of the Lord –

The Gospel of the Kingdom –


Paper Requirements

• Craft a five-to-seven paragraph essay, of no less than 650 words

• A screenshot of your Grammarly report must be copied / pasted on the first page of the paper –

(*click HERE to go to an EA Smore flyer containing a step-by-step demo on how to do this* )

• All papers must be submitted in a word processor (e.g. Microsoft Word, Apple Pages, Open Office, etc.), and attached / uploaded in the file-loader

• Ensure that your paper is properly placed in MLA format, having …

o (1) a heading

o (2) a title

o (3) an introduction paragraph

o (4) an over-arching thesis statement

(i.e. *the main idea of the paper, clearly presented in the introduction paragraph, driving the flow of the paper* )

o (5) three+ body paragraphs ( *at least* )

o (6) a conclusion paragraph

o (7) and a Works Cited page with properly applied parenthetical citations. ( *if necessary* )


|| You will be graded primarily on ( i ) your comprehension of the content and ( ii ) the clarity of your presentation. ||

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