Project Management in Engineering Domain

Project Management in Engineering Domain

Assessment Title Requirements, human resources and cost
Task Description
Assignment Overview

This assessment item requires you to develop :-

requirements management plan,

human resources management plan,
cost management plan,
cost baseline and funding requirements,
…you must then develop the items listed above for a selected case study. The case studies will cover a number of project domains:-

Engineering and construction domain,

Your submissions must meet the minimum requirement outlined in the PMBOK (2013) and conform to the requirements outlined PRINCE2 (2009).


Your task is to consider the overview above and develop and complete the required items. You will be graded upon how well your submissions have been completed and reflect the case studies.


This assessment item is to assist you to understand and develop skills in the contents and compilation of project requirements, human resource and cost management.

The assignment will also give you the opportunity to enhance your analysis and written communication skills; particularly in the areas of structured assignment writing, and optionally, Microsoft Project.


This assessment may be done in groups of up to four students. You must stay in the group for all five assessments and will utilise the same tender. If there are any issues with group members not contributing then they may be asked to leave the group and work on the remaining assessments individually. Flex students can work individually or form groups through the forum on the Moodle site.


Plagiarism is taken very seriously. Working in a group, each member is responsible for the authenticity of the complete submission. If plagiarism is detected all members will be reported for investigation.


Assessment Criteria
Your assignment will be assessed on the extent and quality to which it meets each of the following criteria.

The requirements management plan is complete and reflects the case (5 marks)

The human resource management plan is complete and reflects the case (5 marks)
The cost management plan is complete and reflects the case (5 mAnd skills to achieve the required standard. To do this, assessment responses need to be both clear and easy to understand. If not, the University cannot determine that students have demonstrated their knowledge and skills. Assessments will, therefore, be marked accordingly including the potential for 0 (zero) marks where relevan

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