Recruitment Methods




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Recruitment Methods

Organizations always consider the best methods that can provide them with the most qualified and fit candidates for specific job postings. Recruitment methods, by definition, imply the means that organizations use and apply in reaching out to their specific potential job seekers. Simply methods, these are just methods used for establishing relationships and contacts with the organization’s potential candidates (Gummadi 18). The digital world and transitioning in life implies that recruitment and selection is done from different perspectives. For instance, digital media, like social media and other social networking sites are used for recruiting employees by sending or posting advertisements. However, the gig economy also implies that people are most likely to meet at events and as such, develop or create networks (Faliagka et al. 153). These are equally exploited by organizations and businesses to recruit their employees. Yet, much attention has been directed towards interviews through mobile phones and videos, proper and direct way for comprehensive screening and evaluation or assessment of the employee. Therefore, in a modern-day organizational and job market, despite the availability of different recruitment methods, mobile phone and video interviews have become central to effective recruitment of the employees.

The changing modern environment, especially as it concerns to business management and how organizations are run, implies that modern recruitment methods must be considered. One such is networking events including seminars, open houses, job fairs, Human Resource events, and conferences (Gummadi 18). They have been identified as the perfect source of recruiting interns and job candidates. Yet, body shopping, as a direct recruitment approach, has equally been exploited as a way of recruiting individuals into the organization (18). This is a method whereby individual organizations set up the future employment talent pool. Hence, for any prospective employer, these organizations are then approached for recruiting skilled and trained talent. As such, it has led to the emergence of employee leasing, whereby the organizations are engaging in the commercialization of the recruitment process.

The advent of technology, as such, has made it easier for organizations to communicate with people and this explains why social media, as social networking sites, have become a vital method of recruiting employees. For instance, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are full of job seekers and most companies advertise their impeding or upcoming vacancies (Faliagka et al. 153). One of the major sites of recruiting professionals is LinkedIn, a professional site where people post their profiles, including professional and career objectives and CVs. This platform has played a key role for organizational recruitments, especially targeting the most qualified as the site rates individuals based on the completeness of their profiles, which in this case, entails a focus on specific attributes like their past job experiences, references, referrals and, specific areas of knowledge and development. In so doing, it is one of the best sites that make social media an important tool for recruitment. Yet, verification of the profiles could be a challenge and this explains why social media is sometimes questioned as to the best method for recruiting employees’ vacancies (Faliagka et al. 153). Still, recruitment, through social media has been advanced into innovative ways, including selection or recruitment methods through apps like Tinder, Bumble, Snapchat as well as Spotify in hunting talent.

A more effective way of recruiting and selecting employees is by consulting the employer review sites. Times have changed and a digital word whereby everything can be possibly reviewed and rated online, even employers, recruiters have not been missing out on this as a most effective and viable approach to understanding and learning about their employer (Silberman 505). As such, with the modern-day job seekers, there are better means and approaches to researching about the company’s perks, culture, pros, cons, and pay. These reviews are used by prospective employees seeking to work for their employees. The same applies to employers who use specific sites and databases to search for information concerning their prospective candidates.

Technology also offers companies and organizations with the best incentives and methods for evaluating and assessing their prospective candidates through video interviewing and mobile recruitment. As a strategy, mobile recruitment is a must consideration for any company operating in the contemporary business environment (McColl and Marco 637). Millennials and Generation Z are more inclined to use their mobile phones and consider it a means of engaging or interacting with people. This is also applied with organizations in presenting information about job vacancies, incoming recruitment, and training opportunities. As such, a mobile-responsive approach to recruitment implies that it will be considerably easy to access the current breed of busy job-seekers and the company enjoys the benefits of not missing out on the best, qualified, and the most talented candidates (Chhabra and Vandana 24). This also explains why video interviewing is finding its use in contemporary recruitment and selection, especially a new recruitment method that has rendered it much easier for employers to screen through their candidates while equally guaranteeing the convenience in the process and also a positive experience. Video interviews are the best forms of recruiting the candidates because it is easier for the employer to ask as many questions as possible, while at the same time, studying the prospect’s body language and even personal presentation. This method is effective because it reduces on-site interviews while at the same time improving the comprehensiveness of the screening process.

As shown above, different recruitment methods exist for companies and employees. An employer will only consider a method that provides comprehensive and detailed information about its prospective employees or candidates. This explains why technology is being exploited as the best approach and method for recruitment and selection. Yet, more concern has to be directed towards proper time for screening, face-to-face engagement, and understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the candidates. In so doing, mobile and video interviewing are considerably the best recruitment methods. This is because the methods allow detailed screening and evaluation or assessment of the candidate. Furthermore, they allow firsthand experience and engagement with the respective candidates, to understanding and assess their communication skills, both verbal and non-verbal. The interviews also allow the candidates to express themselves while at the same time ask for clarifications. Therefore, in a modern-day organizational and job market, mobile phone and video interviews have become central to effective recruitment of the employees.

Works cited

Chhabra, Anu, and Vandana Ahuja. “Recruitment Trends in the Contemporary Era.” Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Human Capital and Information Technology Professionals. IGI Global, 2018. 24-37.

Faliagka, Evanthia, Maria Rigou, and Spiros Sirmakessis. “An e-recruitment system exploiting candidates’ social presence.” International Conference on Web Engineering. Springer, Cham, 2015.Gummadi Dr. Ravi Kumar. Recruitment and Selection Practices of It Companies in Andhra Pradesh – A Study of Select Units. Zenon Academic Publishing, 2015.

McColl, Rod, and Marco Michelotti. “Sorry, could you repeat the question? Exploring video‐interview recruitment practice in HRM.” Human Resource Management Journal 29.4 (2019): 637-656.

Silberman, M. “Operating an employer reputation system: Lessons from Turkopticon, 2008-2015.” Comp. Lab. L. & Pol’y J. 37 (2015): 505.