Ronald Coase (1910-2013) ‒ “Coase Theorem”

Ronald Coase (1910-2013) ‒ “Coase Theorem”

A “Works Cited” page must be included, with not fewer than three (3) academic-level references, whether online or hardcopy, Wikipedia is NOT acceptable as a reference, NOR ANY dictionary, NOR is a blog, nor general news sites such as Fox News, USA Today, Huffington Post, etc. The Economist is fine, as are The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Business Week, and other reputable business-oriented publications. “Works Cited” page MUST be included. Simply listing websites is NOT ACCEPTABLE — they must be identified clearly, stating the writer if known, publication, date, etc, as with any normal reference. Topic must be specifically related to one of the economics topics (Competitive Industries, Supply & Demand, Elasticity, Consumer & Supplier Surplus, etc) as studied in our Economics class,