self identity

self identity

Instructions: This paper is worth 100 points. Papers should contain no less than 1,000 words of
text. Papers should demonstrate a thorough awareness of the topic as well as the ability to engage
in philosophical reasoning. Late papers will be penalized at minus 5 points for the first day late
and minus one point for each additional day.
Outside research is not necessary, but if you use external sources you must provide
complete citations. Failure to cite your sources is academic misconduct and will result in
a failure of the assignment (for more information, see the Academic Honesty section of
the syllabus).
Assignment: Can you identify a “self” that was you at birth, is you now, and will be you at
death? If you think you can, give an argument to show how and what it is that endures
throughout all the changes of a lifetime. If you cannot identify that “self,” explain why not. Your
paper should show an understanding of the problems and possible solutions raised against the
views presented in this module (including Dennett’s “Brainstorms”).

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