Should Potential Parents Be Compelled to Take up Parenting Classes


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Should Potential Parents Be Compelled to Take up Parenting Classes?

Becoming a parent comes does not come with a manual. Whether the pregnancy was planned or unplanned, parents struggle to pick up the pace in parenting. Moreso, first-time parents tend to struggle more, seeing that the experience is entirely new. From my standpoint, people need to take up parenting classes before deciding to have a baby for several reasons.

To begin with, parenting classes instill confidence in potential parents. It is important to prepare potential parents for what lies ahead. Potential parents need coaching because it gives them the confidence to know that they can handle whatever they will come across in the parenting journey. Parenting classes are important because they equip potential parents with information about infant safety, diet, and general care. In so speaking, parents can approach parenting from an informed point of view. Additionally, parenting classes are critical as they help potential parents know if they are genuinely ready to take up the parenting journey. This is because they learn all about what goes into parenting before having a baby. Most people think parenting is easy but fail to recognize that being a parent is tough. Once one has a baby and becomes a parent, there is no going back. Parenting has no off days. A lot of planning and finances goes into having a baby hence the need to explain for potential parents to know exactly what they are getting themselves into first. Another reason why parental classes are important is that they allow parents to figure out a parenting style that matches their child’s personality. There is no manual on parenting; however, parenting classes are important as they help parents figure out the best ways to discipline and praise their children.

In closing, parenting does not come with a manual. There is no assurance that a given parenting style is better than another. Potential parents must take up parenting classes as it instills them with confidence, helps them figure out the parenting style to adopt, and assures them of their decision to have a baby. Moving forward, people should seriously consider taking up parenting style as it helps them avoid inadvertently causing harm to the baby.