Shutterstock Case Study

Question 1: Shutterstock Case Study

The contribution of the lower-level employees to the strategic direction of the business would be beneficial to the business from the point of inclusiveness and team work. Once a business shows all employees that their ideas are all considered with the same weight, it gives everyone the sense of importance and value. When all the employees feel valued, they are more loyal and work harder towards the attainment of the business strategic goals. Lower-level employees may also help the top-level management in considering ideas that may not be apparent due to different interactions in the company and different positions of observation. A lower-level employee understands the day-to-day challenges experienced in the business, which may not be the case the senior employees.

On the contrary, including lower-level employees in strategic direction and decision-making process of the business may be dangerous in that, the lower-level employees only consider factors that are visible to them without considering other confidential factors that affects the business from within or other issues relevant to the organization. This shows that lower-level employees maybe under-informed which in turn renders some of their ideas immature or under developed.